Very Honest Question:

Are you willing to sacrifice your dream body in order to live your dream life? Because you can’t stress over keeping your body the same or obsess about how to make it “better” and also live out all of your ambitions. Body and/or food infatuation means less space for love, less growth, less pursuing adventures, less possibilities.

When you fall in love with who you are in your heart and let your soul speak, you will  reach a point when you couldn’t care less about the softness of your body, cellulite, muscle definition, and how many damn chocolate covered almonds you ate today 

YOUR HEALTH (mind, body + spirit) IS YOUR WEALTH

In a world that has taught you to value “looking good” as a key to happiness, I thought that just maybe you needed some reassurance that this is a fallacy, a distraction from what matters. Because although you have time - you have no time to waste caring about the wrong things that will just leave you more broken. And my life has been quite the example of this . . . 

A Decade Ago I Was:

  • Confused about my career, passions and goals
  • Believed that "health" was an external state of being
  • Battling major health issues (extreme fatigue, thyroid nodules, brain fog, chronic flus and sinus infections, and more)
  • Adamant about running and lifting weights even though it wasn't ideal for my body and lifestyle

Can You Relate?

The Good News

Luckily, after years of research and trial and error with health issues, I found out that by switching my mentality, letting go of perfectionist tendencies, properly nourishing my body, and developing a strong yoga practice + mantras, I could start to reverse the negative energy that manifested into poor health.

Lately, I have rediscovered my HEALTH & FREEDOM by uncovering and honoring my genuine values + allowing them to infiltrate my life!

It's paramount for me to share my ongoing journey with others because having a tribe of support is EVERYTHING!

Through KITCHEN COACHING, VIP WELLNESS RETREATS, JOURNEY TO FOOD FREEDOM + PRIVATE YOGA, we identify your values + goals so that you will develop self-care practices that allow your GREATEST SELF TO SHINE!

So where to start right now? Make yourself some French toast with a heavy-handed pour of maple syrup (or whatever sounds yummy!), release a little fear, let go of the reins a bit, and let the liberation begin! 

My mission is to empower every woman to live a joyful and limitless life inspired by her most authentic desires; beginning with practices that nurture her mind, body + soul.

Many of my friends, followers, and even family have noticed many of the following health benefits since adapting a  life in alignment with my authentic self:

  • A stronger immune system.
  • Getting sick less often.
  • More presence and ability to connect with others.
  • A greater passion for helping other women.
  • Enjoying food more without stress or restriction
  • Increase confidence and self-esteem.
  • Less focus on my body  
  • More spiritual awareness.
  • Seeing more possibilities and less limitations

I know at this point you’re thinking…. 

Ashley, I’m going to need a little help with this!

So, for those who want a little more,
you have 2 choices...

1) You can go at it alone
2) Allow Me to personally guide you to Success

I only work with a select group of people at a time, I'm looking for win-wins, 

so if you're serious about unleveling your life and silencing your inner critic contact me at and/or find me @thenakedfoodlife


Ashley provides Wellness Retreat,  Yoga Classes,

Kitchen Coaching, and Custom Meal Guides.

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