Category Archives for "sauce"

Jun 20

Creamy Green Pasta Sauce (Vegan)

By Ashley | Entree , Recipes , sauce

WHO ELSE LOVES A BOWL OF COMFORTING CREAMY PASTA FOR DINNER?? On a different note, who doesn’t love drinking green juice? Well, let me tell ya – green juice is a lot more delicious when it’s incorporated into a dreamy pasta dish 😉 I know it’s quite an unconventional pairing, but I easily get bored with basic sauces (looking at you, marinara) and I hate pasta that is drowned in heavy sugary/oily sauce! So I […]

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Apr 25

Quick Curry Sauce

By Ashley | Recipes , sauce , sauce

Until recently, I have not had an outstanding curry at a restaurant. Maybe it’s just me, but I always feel that there are too many flavors competing for my attention. I am a simple gal. I like simple food. And definitely simple sauces. Then . . . when I least expected it, I had a memorable curry that was quite perfect! “What’s going on here?” I asked. I don’t know if I just got lucky […]

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